Peter Sandberg in Lisbon

This weekend I joined Peter Sandberg to Lisbon to document his concert at the Tivoli BBVA theatre. Always a pleasure working with Peter, and get to listen to him performing his music while working :)

Behind the scenes

När jag gjorde min militärtjänstgöring sa en officer till oss att The battle is won in training, och det ligger väldigt mycket sanning i det. I övningarna vi gjorde blev det alltid så tydligt vilka som förberett sig bäst. Det är lätt att se en perfekt yta och tänka att det alltid är så, men man glömmer lätt att det bara toppen av ett isberg. Ett isberg av övning, finslipande och träning. Här är några behind the scenes bilder jag fotat på sistone.


When I did my military service, an officer once told us that The battle is won in training, and there is a whole lot of truth in that. It became very clear who had prepared the best in our excercises. It's easy to see a perfect surface and think that's just how it's always been, but that's just the tip of an iceberg. An iceberg of exercise, grinding and training. Here are some behind the scenes photos I've taken recently.

This is Christmas 2017

Hillsong Church Sweden håller en julföreställning varje år som heter This is Christmas. Showen har snabbt blivit en av Sveriges största med över 14 000 besökare. I år var jag med och plåtade föreställningen. Här är några av mina egna favoritögonblick.

//Hillsong Church has a Christmas show called This is Christmas every year. The show has quickly become one of the biggest in Sweden with over 14,000 visitors. This year I had the honor of shooting the show. Here are some of my favorite moments.


Back home from a great day at my old university - KTH (Swedish Royal Institute for Technology). Back in 2012 I began a five year program in IT, and as you may have figured out, I didn't finish. I realized during my first year that I didn't want to become an engineer, so I studied Digital Media and Communication instead. 

But I couldn't resist being a bit nostalgic today, since I got to shoot for KTH and their great initiative called Giants. It's a full day with inspiring talks and workshops to encourage young women to educate themselves in technology, since it's an industry dominated by men. Here are just a quick view from the 1000+ photos I took :)

And I must add, the Leica SL handeld event types of photography very well!

Big weekend

Just had a great weekend celebrating the 10 year anniversary with Hillsong Stockholm. Here are a few shots from the weekend.

Here's also a highlight video from the weekend. 


Spending a few days shooting at Dreamhack Winter in Jönköping. As always, Dreamhack is a very special event with a great atmosphere and lots of interesting people. 

Really nice to work with Felix Frank